Thank you from Old Falls Village Park to all our Sponsors and Partners

〰️ Old Falls Village Park Work Day is April 26, Join us 9 AM to noon! 〰️

Join us for a Community Easter Egg Hunt on April 13th 1-2 pm ! 〰️

Thank you from Old Falls Village Park to all our Sponsors and Partners 〰️ Old Falls Village Park Work Day is April 26, Join us 9 AM to noon! 〰️ Join us for a Community Easter Egg Hunt on April 13th 1-2 pm ! 〰️

Old Falls Village Park

Friends of Old Falls Village Park

Discover Old Falls Village Park

Dive into History and Nature's Beauty

Uncover the charm of Old Falls Village Park, situated on an expansive 18.8-acre canvas, set amidst a tranquil forested backdrop and adorned with a melodious babbling brook. Embark on a journey through time as you explore the historic buildings that stand testament to the park's rich past - from the rustic barn to the welcoming caretaker's residence. Marvel at the architectural gem that is the former summer abode of Emma Davison, a place that once was graced by the presence of Harley-Davidson co-founder Walter Davidson and his beloved wife.

Old Falls Village Historical Park and Museum with vintage house and sign

Get in Touch

Feel free to contact us to learn more about our mission. Discover how you can play a vital role in preserving your community's rich history. Remember, your support makes all the difference to us, whether big or small.